

2013-11-27 13.59.34
















Olivia is sick

We noticed Olivia was not as happy and active as before since last Sunday. Pappa tested her temperature last night and it was 38.6. She did not like to eat, looked like she was suffering when she swallows.

Today we were at Vårdcentralen and the doctor tested her spit from the mouth. She was red in the throat and the test result shows that she was affected by virus, therefore she has a fever. She must get this from förskolan…

We did not get any medicine and I just hope for the best!

She is reading on the medicine to see which one she should take. (those medidcines are from China and they are made from herbs, nothing dangerous)

2013-11-12 17.56.21

I can do it!

Mum: can you really do it?

2013-11-09 18.42.44

Olivia: let me have a try!

2013-11-09 18.43.12

Olivia: Look, this is how I can manage it!

2013-11-09 18.43.23

Very successful, eller hur?

2013-11-09 18.43.30

Olivia can fall asleep herself now

It has been one week since Olivia can fall asleep herself now. It is a big relief for everyone, due to her weight.

I gave her one bottle of milk around 10pm, adjust the lamp to as dim as possible without power off totally. When the milk is finished, she turns around, sometimes lying on the stomach,besides me. I either sing a slow song or tell a story for her. (I found out story works better than song, but when I tell the story, I have to use different tones. For example, when I mention wolf, I need to use very deep voice. When rabbit comes, it sounds very happy. In this way, she can be attracted by the story)

The first time it took 40 minutes for her to fall asleep and I do not remember how many stories went out from my mouth. Yesterday it took only 10 minutes before she fall asleep. This is one big step, or milestone that she has achieved.