I can do it!

Mum: can you really do it?

2013-11-09 18.42.44

Olivia: let me have a try!

2013-11-09 18.43.12

Olivia: Look, this is how I can manage it!

2013-11-09 18.43.23

Very successful, eller hur?

2013-11-09 18.43.30

Olivia can fall asleep herself now

It has been one week since Olivia can fall asleep herself now. It is a big relief for everyone, due to her weight.

I gave her one bottle of milk around 10pm, adjust the lamp to as dim as possible without power off totally. When the milk is finished, she turns around, sometimes lying on the stomach,besides me. I either sing a slow song or tell a story for her. (I found out story works better than song, but when I tell the story, I have to use different tones. For example, when I mention wolf, I need to use very deep voice. When rabbit comes, it sounds very happy. In this way, she can be attracted by the story)

The first time it took 40 minutes for her to fall asleep and I do not remember how many stories went out from my mouth. Yesterday it took only 10 minutes before she fall asleep. This is one big step, or milestone that she has achieved.

Is her parking skill good?

2013-11-01 13.09.29

When we eat, she usually parks there. She just starts at us, never cry, always very nice to us. We feel that we are forced to stopping eating to play with her or feed her some of our food.

The first time when I tried bottled food

This is when I just started!

2013-11-01 12.33.41

This is when I finished!

2013-11-01 12.37.08

And this is the food I had!

2013-11-01 12.39.55

This is the first time Olivia tasted bottled food. She usually makes a face when she tries something new, but not this time. I tasted the food, taste like tomato and beans, not so strong taste but quite good.


Nothing was more important than eating!

2013-11-01 09.47.52

This one I like!

2013-11-01 10.23.24

Today is the first real day that I spent 3 hours in förskola with Olivia. She is very interested in the colorful toys and other children. There are in all 9 kids, 4 mothers and 1 teacher. Oliva is the fourth youngest one. I chatted with other mothers about baby, house and other random stuff. Olivia is playing everywhere in the room. Later on, everyone sit in a circle, we play games and sing songs. Olivia actually responded very good to the activities, to everyone’s surprise. Because other 2 children in Olivia’s age do not respond at all.

Olivis is in fact very tired because she usually takes a nap around 10 am, but today she is so excited.She fall asleep immiedately when we put her in the cart at 11:30am.